What are you applying for?
We are applying for planning permission to redevelop the site. Our proposals include new retail and commercial facilities, including an Aldi supermarket, alongside modern retail and business space, as well as an Electric Vehicle (EV) charging facility and a drive-thru coffee / food offering. The supporting infrastructure to enable the development will also be covered in the application.
We submitted a ‘hybrid’ application which seeks full planning permission for Phase 1 of the site and outline planning permission for Phase 2. We will be coming forward with a detailed planning application for Phase 2 at a later date.
What is the difference between this proposal and the previous one?
Following the 2020 proposal which was refused, we have looked more closely at how to deliver a development that matches local planning policy, addresses feedback from the earlier application, and offers the best and most viable solution for the site. The new and improved proposals include more green infrastructure, better public access and amenities and an improved parkland setting for the employment zone in Phase 2. We are also exploring ideas for a piece of public art on the south-west corner of the site, which can contribute to the Council’s ambition for this to be a ‘gateway site’. In summary, the new proposals are stronger and more appropriate for the site, more sustainable, and offer greater benefits and amenities for the local area.
Will there be any storage / warehousing facilities (ie B8 use class)?
No – the proposed commercial space is now wholly B2 use class (ie general industry). The previous proposal had B8 (ie storage and distribution), but there will be no B8 in this proposal.
What will the public art be? How do I get involved in the process?
We have appointed a consultant to produce a public art strategy, which will involve commissioning an artist to lead the creative process. We invited ideas on the public art as part of the consultation and will be considering these ideas further subject to planning consent.
How will the site be accessed by vehicles?
We are proposing to create a new roundabout with vehicle access to the site from Northampton Road. We are engaging with the highways authorities regarding the proposed roundabout and access. Further details are included in the Transport Assessment which was submitted with the planning application.
When would construction of the development start (if you get planning permission)?
The timetable is subject to securing planning permission. If we achieve planning permission, we anticipate starting work on site within nine months, with construction of Phase 1 expected to take 18 months, in line with any requirements agreed with the local authority. Phase 2 will come forward at a later date and will require an additional ‘detailed’ planning application for that part of the site.
What is the purpose of this consultation and how will my feedback be used?
We invited feedback on the emerging proposals for Rushden Gateway in advance of submitting a planning application. All comments submitted during the consultation were considered and responded to as part of the ‘Statement of Local Engagement’, which was included as part of the planning application.
In line with the planning process North Northamptonshire Council runs its own formal public consultation on the proposals before making a decision. People can also submit comments to the Council as part of that consultation.